Monday, November 30, 2009

We're Still Here!-Day 2

Soooo?.......How was day 1? Even though we got a late start, 
(which I do recommend everyone should do on the first day of vacation, other wise you'll just be groggy for the rest of your trip! Better to be groggy at the kitchen table then in public, right?:) I quite liked day 1. The candy shop was awesome correct? The adorable, real, and quaint feel of it reminded all of us of something straight out of Hogwarts.
Overall though, the entire little town was just what we needed to kick off our incredible trip.

Moving on to day a' nu-mber....2!
Time to hit those CrAzy streets of New York City!! And believe me, they were crazy! It must have taken us hours to find but an inch to park the Burb! The reason: O(crap-ola;)bama was in da city. Too harsh? Never. Anyways......
 I think the man actually figured out how to be in 20 different places at once. Anywhere we went we got,"Sorry you can't park here, the President is here." Or,"Sorry, you can't be here, the President is in town." 
It was so frustrating.
But, we finally found a perfect spot right across the street from Central Park. After rejoicing, we entered the park, ate lunch by (and on;) a statue dedicated to all the children who lost their parents on 9/11. 

It was precious. 
That was then followed by some soccer playing in the Park
 and coincidently stumbling upon The Boat House. 
The popular resturaunt as seen in:

Haven't seen it?! Well, to scoop in, Katherine Heigl dined here in a scene.
OH! I almost forgot! While searching for the special inch to park, we drove right through a live and rolling movie scene! And guess who was being filmed????
Hilary Duff!

Can you see her?
I know, barely.....but, the car was moving.... 
Skip along......
It's getting dark out in the city and the little small town of Ridgefield is calling us to our home away from home.
But before we hit the feathers we could not forget that, we had not eaten dinner yet.
Planet Pizza it is!

It was YuM and the people were very friendly:)

And, that is all.....

Day 3 here we come! I hear apples are ripe and ready for picking way up in some beautiful New York mountains.....;)
Please caalick for the next 1,545,262,330 pictures of Day 2!
Goodi3 Night!

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