Monday, June 6, 2011

Don't Forget to Remember

Soo today I hit the "Blog" button on my bookmarks menu. So here I am. Blogging. Woo!
I'm going to skip the apology speech for not being on in months and just get to it. K? K:)
Yes, for months I dropped the blogging. Not on purpose but, it happened. Then Mom was showing me a lady's "365 Photo Project" and yupps. I was reminded again of how much i miss this. Time to get back in it.
I'm so behind, it would take longer than the reality of the events to try and catch you up. So, here's today. Today I'm going to try to start my own 365 project. (Fine, you can laugh...) See, I like blogging but, the blogging i usually do, takes lots and lots of minutes. Lots. So I don't get to it. I only hope that needing to take 1 picture to describe the day and posting it on that day should not be too difficult for me. Maybe it'll stick this time. Let's see.....
{June 6th}
(It's after midnight and now the 7th but who's looking really?)
I'm putting 2 pictures. It's just that special of a day.

Months ago, Coupon Mom purchased many living social deals for free movie tickets. They all expired today. So we went to the movies!
4 sissies saw this movie:
It was awesome. I cried 4 times. And then we left the theatre and did a Guilianna pose.
Side picture-
On Memorial Day I ran my first 5k. My goal was to just finish. Don't ever stop. Finish.
Well I finished with 24:24 on the clock. I was told that was good? I didn't know. Right after crossing the line, I filled out the little formamajig and left. I later heard that they actually hand out awards after the run and I, missed the whole "ceremony".
This didn't really bother me until I kept getting told that I probably placed with my time and probably was supposed to get something. Probably.
So I semi-eagerly awaited for the standings to be posted. Sure enough, I placed 3rd in my age group. That lands you with a medal:) That I missed out on getting:( Yes I knew it was probably an Oriental Trading "buy 50 for $10" medal but, that little thing? It meant something to me and represented even more.
I wished I had it.
I got a text from home today informing me of a letter addressed to me that had just arrived in the mail. Something heavy was inside.
Guess what it was?


1 comment:

  1. Lovely post dear. For the record, "Coupon Mom" title belongs to some matronly looking woman. Glad you all enjoyed my bargain though.
